Kinds of Anemia

There are more than 400 kinds of anemia. All kinds of anemia can be classified differently. It is required to understand the symptoms and prevent it. Classifications are as follow-

Kinds of Anemia

A. Morphological classification: Kinds of Anemia based on absolute value: 

1) Microcytic hypochromic: MCV, MCH is MCHC are reduced in these kinds of Anemia. Following kinds of anemia or condition are included in this classification-

  • Iron deficiency anemia 
  • Thalassemia 
  • Sideroblastic 
  • Anemia of chronic disease (some cases) 
  • Hemoglobinopathies 
  • Lead poisoning 

2) Normocytic normochromic: MCV, MCH, MCHC are normal but RBC and hemoglobin count are reduced in these kinds of Anemia. Following kinds of anemia are included in this classification-

  • Acute hemorrhagic 
  • Aplastic 
  • Hemolytic (except thalassemia and some other Hb disorders) 
  • Renal disease 
  • Bone marrow failure (e. g. post chemotherapy, infiltration by carcinoma etc) 

3) Macrocytic: MCV and MCH are increased, but MCHC is normal in these kinds of anemia. Following kinds of anemia are included in this classification-

i. Megaloblastic- due to vitamin B-12 and folic acid deficiency
ii. Non-megaloblastic- e. g liver disease, alcohol

B. Etiological classification: Following Kinds of anemia are included in this classification- 

1) Hemorrhagic or Blood loss:

i. Acute hemorrhage:

Accidental trauma 
Surgical operation 

ii. Chronic hemorrhage:

GIT lesion: Hook warm infestation, Peptic ulcer disease, Bleeding piles, hemorrhoids etc. 
Gynecological disturbance: Menorrhagia 

2) Hemolytic: It is due to excess RBC destruction.

i. Hereditary- e.g. Thalassemia, Sickle cell

ii. Acquired- e.g. Hemolytic disease of newborn, Incompatible blood transfusion, Malaria etc.

3) Dyshemopoietic:

i. Due to deficiency of essential elements of erythropoiesis:

Iron deficiency anemia 
Megaloblastic due to both vitamin B-12 and folic acid deficiency 
Anemia of pregnancy 
Nutritional Anemia in protein-energy malnutrition or with scurvy (due to deficiency of vitamin C) 

ii. Due to Bone marrow disturbance:

Anemia with renal failure or endocrine disorders 

Clinical Classification: 

1) Mild: When Hb =12 to 9 gm/dl
2) Moderate: When Hb = 9 to 6 gm/dl
3) Severe: When Hb = Less than 6 gm/dl 

Kinds of Anemia's which are the most common

  • Iron deficiency anemia 
  • Pernicious 
  • Aplastic 
  • Sickle Cell 
  • Blood loss 

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