
Tendinitis is inflammation or irritation of a tendon. Tendons are fibrous connective tissue that joins muscles to bones. Elbow, heel, shoulder, and wrist are commonly affected sites.

Some common names for various tendinitis problems are:
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer's elbow
  • Pitcher's shoulder
  • Swimmer's shoulder
  • Jumper's knee
If this problem is severe and leads to the rupture of a tendon, you may need surgical repair. But most cases can be successfully treated with rest, physical therapy and medications to reduce pain.

Why it occurs?

Causes are-
  • Injury
  • Overuse and repetitive motion

What are the Signs and Symptoms?
  • Pain (dull ache) and tenderness around a joint, often worse with movement and activity, can also be present at rest
  • Pain at night
  • Muscle spasms
  • Mild swelling

What can happen if it left untreated?

Tendon rupture leads to surgical repair.
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