Tooth Erosion

Tooth Erosion is the loss of tooth structure or, wearing away of tooth enamel by acid. It is an irreversible loss. It is not the same as Tooth Caries.

Why it occurs?

Causes are-
  • Taking excessive acidic foods and drinks (the most common cause)
  • Swish acidic liquids around or keep them in your mouth
  • Brushing too hard or with too much pressure
  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Erosion?

  • Discoloration or yellowing of the teeth
  • The sandblasted appearance of teeth or transparent appearance of the tips of the front teeth
  • Rounded appearance of teeth
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Cracked teeth
  • Appearing of dents on the biting areas of the teeth


How to Prevent it?

Ways of Prevention are-
  • Avoid brushing teeth for at least 1 hour after taking erosive food or drink e.g. fruits, salads, and sports drink.
  • Reduce drinking carbonated drinks; use a straw when drinking carbonated beverages or other sweet drinks or, natural fruit juices.
  • Reduce taking highly acid foods
  • Do not swish acidic liquids around or keep them in your mouth while taking them
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Maintain good Oral Hygiene
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